New gem version
andrey-skat opened this issue ยท 19 comments
Maybe it's time to release new version of gem? :)
it's been long time when since last gem was created.
0.1.0 - April 12, 2015 (3.62 MB)
master works well? you've been using it and it's solid?
It's been working well for me ๐
Also, my coworker try to fix the issue with failed tests on travis.
He made a changes to travis config and now it works fine, but tests still fail.
Please check this #87
@jejacks0n maybe generate a 'pre' release, so we can at least install from rubygems ?
It would be great if you can release a new version of the gem. I think this is a really useful gem that produces great results, but I struggled with a number of problems which had already been resolved in commits that date after the last, 2015, rubygem release. I can see you are having issues debugging a new release, but perhaps in the meantime you change the documentation to suggest using the last solid commit of the gem e.g.
gem 'apitome', git: '', ref: 'xyz'
rather than just suggesting gem 'apitome'
in the README.
Or at the very least please just add a comment to this issue stating the latest solid commit, so I know which one to use.
Another thing to consider is adding a CHANGELOG file that details the latest history of changes. This will allow users to deduce commit/version will suit them.
I just got access and would be glad to do a release. I'm trying to figure out what the new version should be though, and am open to suggestions/feedback from others here. There are lots of changes, but still no 1.0.0
release that we're breaking backwards compatibility with, so I'm thinking 0.2.0
. Any objections?
I just released version 0.2.0
When I tried version 0.2.0 I saw the following error when I tried to start the rails server:
There was an error while trying to load the gem 'apitome'. (Bundler::GemRequireError)
Gem Load Error is: undefined method `assets' for #<Rails::Engine::Configuration:0x00007fce05232848>
I note that issue #32 also saw this problem. Prior to the upgrade I was using
gem 'apitome', git: '', ref: '8fbf5aa'
@obromios, can you provide some more context on your environment? What version of Ruby & Rails? Full stack-trace?
I have attached the stack trace. I am using rails 5.2.0 and ruby 2.4.4. Please let me know if you need any more information.
@obromios what kind of environment you use: production or development?
I've tried on development and it works fine
gem 'rails', ''
It is occurring in development. Also note that I generated the app in api only mode, so there is no app/assets folder.
Even in API-only mode, you will need to have the necessary rails frameworks required to support this engine, which serves html and javascript content via templates. I too have an api-only app, and here's what I have included:
# config/application.rb
require 'rails'
# Pick the frameworks you want:
require 'active_model/railtie'
require 'active_job/railtie'
require 'active_record/railtie'
require 'action_controller/railtie'
require 'action_mailer/railtie'
require 'action_view/railtie'
# require 'action_cable/engine'
require 'sprockets/railtie'
# require 'rails/test_unit/railtie'
If you're not requiring a few of those, try including them 1 by 1 and see if it fixes your issue.
I was missing
require 'sprockets/railtie'
Do you think you need to mention this in the README?
Anyway, it appears to be all working now, thank you.
Glad to hear. I'd probably rather capture this in a separate issue that is searchable than putting this in the README. It's a slippery slope to put every issue like this in the README