
No route matches [GET] with Rails 4.0

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Cannot get the "/editor/..." routes to work using Rails 4.0 and latest Mercury version. The routes.rb only has 2 lines in the draw block:

resources :web_forms
mount Mercury::Engine, at: "/"

In this order, the /web_forms routes work, but the "/editor/web_forms" do not. If I reverse the order, then none of the routes work. Also, all the routes seem to be present when running "rake routes", but not when the app runs. I also tried a version with a call to Mercury::Engine.routes after the mount, which the install originally created, but this acts the same.

I tried out Mercury on Rails 3.2.6 and saw similar behavior, until I restarted the unicorn server. So I'm assuming this is the same issue here and closing this.