Unable to find object on /edit/ path
ogonki-vetochki opened this issue · 0 comments
ogonki-vetochki commented
My routes.rb
DigitalizmAdmin::Application.routes.draw do
## Admin routes
namespace :mercury do
resources :images
mount Mercury::Engine => '/'
devise_for :admins #, :skip => [:registrations, :passwords]
namespace :admin do
root :to => "admin#dashboard"
resources :categories do
member { post :mercury_update }
resources :posts do
member { post :mercury_update }
resources :pages do
member { post :mercury_update }
## Regular routes
root to: "welcome#index"
get 'posts/*categories_uri/:post_uri' => "posts#show"
get 'categories/*categories_uri' => "categories#show"
# here is the regular page route
get 'page/:uri' => "pages#show", as: :page
get 'sitemap/*categories_uri' => 'sitemap#show'
get 'sitemap' => 'sitemap#index'
## Catch all unexisted routes
match "*path", to: "application#render_404", via: :all
Here is how I construct link to edit in view:
= link_to "Edit", "/editor" + page_path(item)
On the route host/page/:slug
I can see the page, but when Im on route host/edit/page/:slug
I have 404 error.
In the browser console I can see error:
GET http://host/page/:slug?mercury_frame=true&_=1388132782182 404 (Not Found)
But all mercury-editor's js files have been loaded.