mercury editor blank page in heroku
guille1194 opened this issue · 1 comments
well, i have all the config of mercury editor including config.assets.precompile += %w( mercury.js mercury.css mercury_overrides.css ) added in production.rb, and isn't working, only appears me a blank page, i am using rails 4, so any suggestion is appreciate it. :D
P.D. Sorry if i have any grammar error, normally i speak spanish.
Hello. I am using mercury editor now, (April 2016) and I had the same error, I fixed only making reference to Jquery. Noticed that I using haml instead erb.
%script{:crossorigin => "anonymous", :integrity => "sha256-fBiF7IYg9AoQ0EWUjT+fe4+cT3vS/x3ftIap8n6V4+M=", :src => ""}
`= javascript_include_tag 'jquery-1.7', 'mercury'``