
Override structured file value

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Override structured file value. It runs under nodejs. For now it just support .ini file.


wget https://github.com/ahmadmuzakki/overider.js/raw/master/dist/overider.js


node overider.js <source> <target> [-o <output>]

Use Case

Consider we have config.ini file like this.

#config for Service1
Endpoint = https://service1.com
Path = /somepath

#config for Service2
Endpoint = https://service2.com
Path = /anotherpath

and we want to change only Endpoint of Service1 and Service2 with another value. so we'd create new file let's say mock.ini

Endpoint = http://mock1.com

Endpoint = http://mock2.com

and we can override the value using overider

overider mock.ini config.ini

this will update config.ini into

#config for Service1
Endpoint = http://mock1.com
Path = /somepath

#config for Service2
Endpoint = http://mock2.com
Path = /anotherpath

if you want to output to another file you can do

node overider.js mock.ini config.ini -o output.ini