
Title Tag Inheritance Mixup, what am I doing wrong?

Timothep opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there, I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, but I can't seem to get the titles to work correctly. I am using Github pages, which is pulling the Jekyll SEO Tag v2.6.1. The repo is publicly available here:

1- In my _config.yml file I have a default "title: DevJourney Podcast"
2- In my _layout, I add the {% SEO %} call, this layout is used by every page
2- In my index.html I have "title: Home"
3- Most of my other pages have custom titles, ex: "title: #127 Emmanuel Bernard"
4- Some pages don't have any title

As is, the title defaults to:

If I remove the tag in _config.yml the title defaults to:

  • "Home | DevJourney Podcast" on the home ✅
  • "" on other pages ❌

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

In YAML, the hash character # denotes a start of comment.
So technically, title: #130 Foobar is parsed into {"title" => nil}
So you should quote your values to tell the parser that it is part of the string value.

Notice how GitHub highlights the following samples:

layout: default
comments: true
title: #130 Natalia Tepluhina
description: #130 Natalia Tepluhina a DBA turned Vue.js-expert at Gitlab
layout: default
comments: true
title: "#130 Natalia Tepluhina"
description: '#130 Natalia Tepluhina a DBA turned Vue.js-expert at Gitlab'

Holly Molly, of course, when your nose is stuck onto it, you can't see the wood for the trees!!! Big thanks @ashmaroli, that was it of course 😍