
Support for image paths relative to post

numist opened this issue · 6 comments

My config uses permalink: /post/:year/:title/ together with jekyll-postfiles to keep assets local to their respective posts. This allows me to use simpler image tags in my Markdown (![…](image.jpg)) when editing and as a consequence my post's images tend to be shipped to https://:url/post/:year/:title/image.jpg.

Pre-#44, it was possible to specify image: image.jpg in the front matter and the generated URL would be relative to the post, but now jekyll-seo emits https://:url/image.jpg, which does not exist. #76 improved things somewhat by reintroducing the ability to link off-site images, but it's still not possible to use post-relative paths.

Obviously this can be worked around by specifying the fully expanded path (image: /post/2022/cool-title/image.jpg) in the front-matter, but this is brittle to reorganization (for example, when a post is moved from _drafts to _posts).

I think an ideal solution would allow domain-relative paths to be specified with a leading / (which is already consistent with the documentation) and post-relative paths to be specified without, but doing so would revert the behaviour described in #24 back to how it used to be—a second compatibility break.

So before investigating the code any further I wanted to know: what do people think about this?

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This issue will automatically be closed in two months if no further activity occurs. Thank you for all your contributions.

Alrighty, in the absence of opinions I'll draft a PR for this.

I just ran into this, and it sounds like you're planning three use cases for specifying a twitter image:

  1. From some other site, specified as
  2. Relative to this project's site, specified as /post/path/to/image.png.
  3. Relative to this post, specified as path/to/image.png.

I looked at the current code, and it seems to handle use cases 1 and 2 reasonably well. I guess you're going to add another conditional to handle case 3 when raw_path isn't absolute and doesn't start with /. Cases 1 and 3 will just use the raw_path as is, right?

For case 2, can I suggest that you switch to using filters.relative_url? With filters.absolute_url, I get http:// with the default GitHub Pages configuration. I haven't found any actual problems with http://, but it makes me nervous.

I get http:// with the default GitHub Pages configuration. I haven't found any actual problems with http://, but it makes me nervous.

To be clear, you mean absolute_url is giving you http:// but you want the URL to not include a scheme (or domain) so it will match the current page's (which presumably is https://)? That sounds like a separate issue but I'm happy to fold it in.

The opengraph spec is a bit ambiguous, but by the robustness principle my interpretation is that it's necessary to use absolute_url. Even if it's not, absolute_url is a liquid filter so it's probably worth taking up with the jekyll project if it's not giving you what you're expecting.

Fixed by #466