
[Docs]: Urgent: Specify json gem version for Jekyll 4.3.2

mslinn opened this issue · 0 comments


Jekyll 4.3.2 uses v2.6.3 of the json gem. v2.7.0 was released December 1, 2023.

If your Gemfile allows the v2.7.0 version of the json gem to be used, Jekyll will crash when reloading a modified site with this error:

gems/json-2.7.0/lib/json/common.rb:614:in 'dump': wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1..3) (ArgumentError)

Suggestion for Jekyll 4.3.2

Add the following to the installation instructions:

Ensure that a compatible version of the json gem is loaded by specifying version 2.6.3 in your Jekyll website Gemfile:

gem 'json', '=2.6.3' # Remove this entry when Jekyll 4.3.3+ is released

New Jekyll Version Needed

Looks like another release of Jekyll will need to be pumped out right quick that adds a constraint on the version of the json gem. I've got about 3 dozen plugins that all broke because of this bug.

If I were to release a new version of my plugins right now, I would have to constrain the .gemspecs to json v2.3.6, then remove the constraint and re-release once the next version of Jekyll it released. Yuk!