
[Bug]: Liquid Exception: divided by 0

typo3ua opened this issue · 0 comments

Operating System

Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS

Ruby Version

ruby 2.7.0p0 (2019-12-25 revision 647ee6f091) [x86_64-linux-gnu]

Jekyll Version

from 4.1.1 to 4.3.2

GitHub Pages Version

Dependency versions

Expected Behavior

I did it on my local PC

{{ 5 | divided_by: 6.0 }}
Output: 0.833333

{{ 24 | modulo: 8 }}
Output: 4

{{ 21 | divided_by: 7 }}
Output: 3

{{ 24 | modulo: 7 }}
Output: 3

But if these variables are page specific (declared in YML frontmatter) they fail.

{% assign x = 5 %}
{% assign y = 6.0 %}

{{ x | divided_by: y }}
{{ page.x | divided_by: page.y }}

the same with the `modulo`

{{ page.x | modulo: page.y  }}

Causes the following error:

Liquid Exception: Liquid error (line 7): divided by 0 in /home/local/dev/jekyll/bar/main/_layouts/foo.html
             Error: Liquid error (line 7): divided by 0
             Error: Run jekyll build --trace for more information.

Current Behavior

But if these variables are page specific (declared in YML frontmatter) they fail.
{{ page.x | divided_by: page.y }}

liquid-4.0.4/lib/liquid/standardfilters.rb:376:in rescue in divided_by: Liquid error (line 7): divided by 0 (Liquid::ZeroDivisionError)

Relevant log output

I found the issue here...

@parkr, wrote:

> The bytesize error was fixed in Can you use the latest master and try again?

... but I still have this issue

Code Sample

I tried different variations of codes but results the same...

layout: default
title: Test page
sur: 250
pi: 250000

{{ page.pi | divided_by: page.sur }}
{{ page.pi | divided_by: page.sur | times: site.cou | ceil }}
{{ page.pi | times: site.cou | ceil | divided_by: page.sur }}

{%- assign pi = page.pi_i | default: page.pi -%}
{%- assign sur = page.sur -%}

{%- assign pi = page.pi_i | default: page.pi | strip -%}
{%- assign sur = page.sur | strip -%}

#sur = {{ sur }} > output = 250
#pi = {{ sur }} > output = 250000

{{ pi | divided_by: sur }}
{{ pi | divided_by: sur | times: site.cou | ceil }}
{{ pi | times: site.cou | ceil | divided_by: sur }}

I can to reproduce and have reproduced this problem on this Jekyll theme...

I cloned the repo on a local machine after running the command ...
dev/jekyll/minima$ bundle install
dev/jekyll/minima$ bundle exec jekyll serve

then go to the post

added new variables

layout: post
title: "This post demonstrates post content styles"
p: 250000
s: 250
categories: junk
- Bart Simpson
- Nelson Mandela Muntz
meta: "Springfield"

then go to the layout

added this code...

{%- assign s = page.s | strip -%}
{%- assign p = | default: page.p | strip -%}

#01 p = -{{ p }}- <br>
#02 s = -{{ s }}- <br>

#03 price for m == {{ p | divided_by: s | ceil }} <br>
#04 price for m == {{ p | divided_by: s }} <br>

#031 price for m == {{ page.p | divided_by: page.s | ceil }} <br>
#042 price for m == {{ page.p | divided_by: page.s }} <br>

and i get error

      Regenerating: 1 file(s) changed at 2023-12-14 00:16:29
       Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts
  Liquid Exception: Liquid error (line 7): divided by 0 in /home/local/dev/jekyll/minima/_layouts/post.html
             Error: Liquid error (line 7): divided by 0
             Error: Run jekyll build --trace for more information.