
Remove `suscribe via RSS` from _layouts/home.html

denniscmcom opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm trying to remove the "suscribe via RSS" text below my blog posts.

What I've tried

Following instructions from other issues related to mine:

  • I copied _includes/footer.html from the minima repository
  • deleted feed-subscribe block, and place it in _includes/footer.html in my project.
  • deleted gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.12" from Gemfile
  • deleted jekyll-feed from plugins: in _config.yml

However, the message is still apearing just below my posts.
You can check it in the following image or just visiting my demo website

Screenshot from 2023-08-01 18-00-56

Inspecting the "suscribe via RSS" message in my website you can see this block:

<p class="rss-subscribe">
subscribe <a href="[/feed.xml](view-source:">via RSS</a>

Checking _layouts/home.html in the minima repository, I cannot see the rss-suscribe block. So, my questions are:

  • How is it being rendered?
  • How can I remove it?

Thank you.

I encountered the same problem.

Hi, have you been able to find any solutions?