
Markdown Folder API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Markdown Folder API

Takes a folder path as an imput, and parses the markdown files inside. The parsed files are stored and can be retreived with an API.


npm i markdown-folder-api 

# Yarn
yarn add markdown-folder-api


let mdFiles = new MarkdownFolder({
  path: '/folder/path'

mdFiles.on('load', () => {
  // Get all files
  let allFiles = mdFiles.getAll();
  // Get single file
  let someFile = mdFile.get('fileName');
  // Get single file in a subfolder
  let anotherFile = mdFile.get('folderName/fileName');

File structure

  "data": "...", // Raw file data
  "filePath": "...", // Absolute file path
  "attributes": {
    ... // All attributes from the front matter
  "body": "...", // Body of the file, without the front matter
  "frontmatter": "...", // Raw front matter
  "html": "..." // Generated HTML


new MarkdownFolder({
  // Absolute folder path (String)
  path: '/folder/path'
  // Switch to enable / disable slugifying the folder / filename (Boolean) 
  // Default: false
  slugify: true


This software is currently BETA quality, use at your own risk