
Lack of clarity in docker-compose instructions

gut5 opened this issue · 7 comments

gut5 commented

Instructions provided were unclear, could be more helpful especially since this is probably the simplest way for many people who want to run jellyfin on a home server. Lack of clarity especially around persistent volumes used for config and cache.
Also, removing the network mode host line made it connect where it wasn't doing so before. It was getting stuck on the ExecuteQueuedTasks part.

Removing the network mode line finally got me into the interface.

I only got it working after setting up with the following docker-compose file (notice the commented-out network-mode line)

version: "3"
    image: jellyfin/jellyfin
    user: 1000:1000
    #network_mode: "host"
        - /home/guts/media:/media
       - jellyfin-cache:/cache
        - jellyfin-config:/config
        - ""

The difficult part for the docs is it's partly having to teach docker. Host Mode means you don't virtualize the NIC of your container and you use the actual NIC. This prevents you from doing Port designations ports: - "". This is only valid when using bridge mode. When you omit the networl, docker will invisibly add Network: default/bridge. if you do sudo docker network ls you should see it listed. Let me know if that helps explain

gut5 commented

I didn't realize bridge was the default if you omit the network mode, that's not mentioned in the docker section (that's the first place I checked since the whole reason I chose to use docker was to get this done as quick as possible). That would be helpful info to add to the docs, especially since this is something people who are coming from Plex would know about.

how does that sound? Let me know if you'd word it differently

gut5 commented

Sounds good to me. While you're making changes, you could also add the section that was mentioned in the matrix channel, simplifying the creation of persistent volumes like in the code I posted above. It seems like the recommended docker way is to have persistent volumes anyway so just putting sane defaults like those in would remove another unnecessary step imo.

what do you mean? could you show me

personally, I hate using volumes and prefer bindpoints. I find them a lot easier to understand conceptually and are easier to deal with than volumes