
Chromecast - Nginx Content Security Policy

sukram230799 opened this issue · 5 comments

The URL for the Chromecast js-file seems to have changed. For this, the CSP in the Nginx-file seems to be wrong and Chromecasting doesn't work while jellyfin is served by nginx.

The old URL was and the new URL seems to be

I'm not certain if that is the only valid URL under which the Chromecast file will be served, so I haven't created a pull request for it. But if the URL is changed in the add_header Content-Security-Policy... for nginx, Chromecasting becomes available again.

@sukram230799, I can confirm the same issue and fix with nginx. What log are you looking at or how did you determine the new URL?

@sbranden It was mentioned in the Chrome DevTools under the networking tab.

Well if it works again, I think it's pretty safe to open a PR :)

@sbranden It was mentioned in the Chrome DevTools under the networking tab.

@sukram230799, @ThibaultNocchi : thanks for the info. I opened up the Chrome DevTools and found there are 3 different accesses to cast_sender.js

So looks like a change to allow any cast_sender.js in the path should be made instead?

I guess that should be safe, I'll look with others