
README Examples Incorrect/Don't Work

william-dafriend opened this issue · 2 comments

The line in the README is not correct, as it contains no closing curly bracket

client.authenticate({"Servers": [credentials], discover=False)

This should likely be

client.authenticate({"Servers": [credentials]}, discover=False)

However, the authentication does not seem to work as noted. I can run the initial portion where you connect with a username/password, and I receive data that can be encoded to JSON.

This portion

client.authenticate({"Servers": [data]}, discover=False)

fails with this error

jellyfin_apiclient_python\", line 88, in get_available_servers
    servers.sort(key=itemgetter('DateLastAccessed'), reverse=True)
TypeError: string indices must be integers, not 'str'

Presumably one is meant to decode the data into a new object and pass that to the authenticate() method. However

creds = json.loads(data)
client.authenticate({"Servers": [creds]}, discover=False)

results in the following

jellyfin_apiclient_python\", line 512, in get_default_headers  
    auth += "Client=%s, " %['']
KeyError: ''

Failing server connection. ERROR msg: ''

I have looked at the resulting JSON and there are no keys that might correspond to

Ahh, that is my error, since I wrote that part of the documentation. :-( must be provided by the configuring the client before authenticating:"<app name>", "<app version>", "<client name, I use platform.node() here>", "<a UUID to identify the client, such as uuid.uuid4()>")

I meant to circle back to the documentation in the README, but haven't had time.

I see the docs already include app configuration there -- that bit is not optional, and you need to do it every time. I've pushed up a PR to fix the missing curly bracket.