
[Issue]: Plugin erroring 502 and not pulling Metadata

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Don't know how long this has been going on, but probably a while. Jellyfin doesnt pull any metadata from TVDB. I have the latest version of both Jellyfin server and the plugin. Running on Linux, no virtualisation.
`[2024-05-24 08:07:12.922 +02:00] [ERR] "TvdbSeasonImageProvider" failed in GetImageInfos for type "Season" at "/raid/Shows/Bleach (2004)/S17"
HTTP Response:

<title>502 Bad Gateway</title>

502 Bad Gateway

Tvdb.Sdk.LanguagesException: The HTTP status code of the response was not expected (502).

Status: 502

<title>502 Bad Gateway</title>

502 Bad Gateway

at Tvdb.Sdk.LanguagesClient.GetAllLanguagesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.TvdbClientManager.GetLanguagesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbSeasonImageProvider.GetImages(BaseItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager.GetImages(BaseItem item, IRemoteImageProvider provider, String preferredLanguage, Boolean includeAllLanguages, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Nullable`1 type)
[2024-05-24 08:07:13.094 +02:00] [INF] Starting "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffprobe" with args "-analyzeduration 200M -probesize 1G -i file:"/raid/Shows/Bleach (2004)/S17/Bleach - S17E25 - The Master.mkv" -threads 0 -v warning -print_format json -show_streams -show_chapters -show_format"
[2024-05-24 08:07:20.923 +02:00] [ERR] Failed to retrieve episode with id "0", series id 0:"Bleach - S17E25 - The Master"
HTTP Response:

<title>502 Bad Gateway</title>

502 Bad Gateway


Looks like your server isn't able to access the tvdb. Nothing we can really do on the plugin to fix that, sorry.

I too, have this issue. And it's not an issue of the server being able to access tvdb. (I am however running jellyfin in a docker container). thetvdb resolves both inside the container and on the host.

 ~ [2]> curl -Lsf ""
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


yeah it cannot be that as I've tried creating a test server on my main computer and tvdb errored 502 there also, even when I ran it through a VPN or changed my dns. I'm gonna try again today on my laptop offnetwork on a mobile hotspot to see if it is just an issue of my network.