
TVDB missing episodes API issue

iNfRaS0NiC opened this issue · 0 comments

I am getting this WRN in the log

[2023-08-12 16:54:51.068 +02:00] [WRN] [14] Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbMissingEpisodeProvider: Unable to get episodes from TVDB
TvDbSharper.TvDbServerException: Invalid credentials; API Key Required
   at TvDbSharper.Infrastructure.Parser.Parse[T](ApiResponse response, IReadOnlyDictionary`2 errorMap)
   at TvDbSharper.Clients.AuthenticationClient.AuthenticateAsync(AuthenticationData authenticationData, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.TvdbClientManager.GetTvDbClient(String language)
   at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.TvdbClientManager.<>c__DisplayClass24_0`1.<<TryGetValue>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---

The missing episodes are not working is there a way to fix this issue? I have API from TVDB and I am using it in the plugin
Thank you.