
'JellyfinAPI' is deprecated: renamed to 'JellyfinAPIAPI'

ddevler opened this issue · 1 comments

Is this correct or an issue with current export? I updated the main branch from old 10.7 to current 10.8

Code triggered the message. Seems kinda odd to rename it to "JellyfinAPIAPI".
JellyfinAPI.customHeaders["X-Emby-Authorization"] = header

This is a generation from the OpenAPI generator (the entire file was generated and comment left by OpenAPI):

// We reverted the change of JellyfinAPIAPI to JellyfinAPI introduced in
// Because it was causing the following issue
// If you are affected by this issue, please consider removing the following two lines,
// By setting the option removeMigrationProjectNameClass to true in the generator
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "JellyfinAPIAPI")
public typealias JellyfinAPI = JellyfinAPIAPI