
[0.0.20/chart 0.1.8] error messages in the production logs (no failure on the main features though)

dduportal opened this issue · 0 comments

With the version 0.0.24 (helm chart v0.1.8 deployed by jenkins-infra/kubernetes-management#3089) in production, the application works as expected for the main use cases (user accounts and administration).

However the logs are showing the following 2 errors that should be fixed in the future (not blocking):

  • Log4j initialization error:
log4j:ERROR Could not instantiate appender named "logfile".
  • Datadog Agent: connection failing:
[dd-agent-writer] WARN datadog.trace.agent.common.writer.DDApi - Error while sending 5 of 5 traces to the DD agent. Connection refused (Connection refused) (going silent for 5 minutes)

For both errors: