
Replace content of Build Steps from Json plugin page

vihaanthora opened this issue · 2 comments


Build Steps from Json Plugin page currently shows a page that is not rendered correctly by the browser due to the incorrect usage of HTML tags within its asciidoc. The root cause of this issue seems to lie in the help documentation of the plugin itself. However, till the original documentation is fixed, a manually written page could overwrite the contents of the pages, so that anyone who clicks the page sees some usable and well-formatted content.

Possible Fixes

  1. Fix the HTML manually and store it in an asciidoc that is saved in automatically whenever the pipeline-steps-doc-generator is run.
  2. Replace the entire content with some contextual help and link the instructions to use the snippet generator on this page.

cc: @zbynek @kwhetstone

timja commented

the other approach could be to validate and reject? / validate and fix?

Yes, it seems like a good approach to adopt.