
jx-build-controller after admin operator install results in CrashLoopBackOff status

Closed this issue · 1 comments

jx version: version: 3.2.188

Our team is trying to setup JenkinsX through the admin operator on a vanilla Kubernetes cluster in AWS EKS. Using a self hosted Gitlab repository and not using public

Created our repository in our Gitlab instance with the following command:
jx admin create --git-kind gitlab --git-name adgantt --git-server --git-token <PAT> --git-public false --no-operator --repo jenkins-x-admin

Repository creation was successful and looks like the expected files are present in the repo.

Proceeded to run the following admin operator command:
jx admin operator --username adgantt --token <PAT> -u

The installation runs as expected and logs the following health status summary:

jx gitops webhook update --warn-on-fail
WARNING: failed to create Scm client for failed to find git token: could not find git token for git server
jx health status -A
NAME                          NAMESPACE                     STATUS                        ERROR MESSAGE
daemonset                     kuberhealthy                  OK                            
deployment                    kuberhealthy                  OK                            
dns-status-internal           kuberhealthy                  OK                            
jx-bot-token                  jx                            ERROR                         Check execution error: pod deleted unexpectedly
jx-pod-status                 kuberhealthy                  OK                            
jx-secrets                    kuberhealthy                  OK                            
jx-webhook                    jx                            ERROR                         Check execution error: jx/jx-webhook: error when waiting for pod to start: the khcheck check pod is deleted, waiting for start failed
jx-webhook-events             jx                            ERROR                         Check execution error: jx/jx-webhook-events: error when waiting for pod to start: the khcheck check pod is deleted, waiting for start failed
network-connection-check      kuberhealthy                  OK         

Please note in the output, the reference to instead of our expected

When reviewing the namespaces created from the process:

% kubectl get namespaces                                                                                                       
NAME               STATUS   AGE
default            Active   7d6h
istio-system       Active   2d5h
jx                 Active   4h2m
jx-git-operator    Active   7d4h
jx-production      Active   4h2m
jx-staging         Active   4h2m
kube-node-lease    Active   7d6h
kube-public        Active   7d6h
kube-system        Active   7d6h
kuberhealthy       Active   4h2m
nginx              Active   4h2m
tekton-pipelines   Active   4h2m

Looking at the pods in the various namespaces, I see the following issue in the jx namespace:

% kubectl -n jx get pods
NAME                                            READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
bucketrepo-bucketrepo-5697f998bc-pb2w7          1/1     Running            0          4h29m
jx-build-controller-57b8fcdb55-pthlv            0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   57         4h29m
jx-gcactivities-27175320-thlnj                  0/1     Completed          0          61m
jx-gcactivities-27175350-fb6rj                  0/1     Completed          0          31m
jx-gcpods-27175320-dkthf                        0/1     Completed          0          61m
jx-gcpods-27175350-tn565                        0/1     Completed          0          31m
jx-pipelines-visualizer-779cc99c9-xnkkd         1/1     Running            0          4h25m
jx-preview-gc-jobs-27175360-klqwd               0/1     Completed          0          21m
jx-preview-gc-jobs-27175370-gwngg               0/1     Completed          0          11m
jx-preview-gc-jobs-27175380-6q6mp               0/1     Completed          0          65s
lighthouse-foghorn-6b4dcfb95d-c4qdt             1/1     Running            0          4h25m
lighthouse-gc-jobs-27175320-s99qr               0/1     Completed          0          61m
lighthouse-gc-jobs-27175350-vl4fq               0/1     Completed          0          31m
lighthouse-gc-jobs-27175380-hfckw               0/1     Completed          0          65s
lighthouse-keeper-8579c6c87-4qzsw               1/1     Running            0          4h25m
lighthouse-tekton-controller-684b96dd8d-t2h6c   1/1     Running            0          4h25m
lighthouse-webhooks-5d8fbd6fbf-rbbbd            1/1     Running            0          35m

The logs for the jx-build-controller pod show the following, which also notes references to instead of our expected Gitlab domain of

% kubectl logs -n jx jx-build-controller-57b8fcdb55-pthlv
{"endpoint":"tempo.jx-observability:14268","level":"info","msg":"Initializing OpenTelemetry Traces Exporter","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z","type":"jaeger:http:thrift"}
{"error":"Post \"http://tempo.jx-observability:14268/api/traces\": dial tcp: lookup tempo.jx-observability on no such host","level":"warning","msg":"Traces Exporter Endpoint configuration error. Maybe you need to install/configure the Observability stack? The OpenTelemetry Tracing feature won't be enabled until this is fixed.","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"about to run: git config --global credential.helper store in dir .","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"starting build controller","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"starting secret watching masker","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Watching for Secret resources in namespace jx","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Watching for Secret resources in namespace jx-git-operator","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Watching for PipelineActivity resources in namespace jx","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"The service is ready to listen and serve.","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"ignoring secret bucketrepo-config","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"adding mask of secret jenkins-maven-settings entry settings-security.xml ","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"adding mask of secret jenkins-maven-settings entry settings.xml ","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"ignoring secret jenkins-x-bucketrepo entry BASIC_AUTH_USER","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"adding mask of secret jenkins-x-bucketrepo entry BASIC_AUTH_PASS ","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"adding mask of secret jx-basic-auth-htpasswd entry auth ","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"adding mask of secret jx-basic-auth-user-password entry password ","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"adding mask of secret jx-basic-auth-user-password entry username ","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"ignoring secret jx-boot entry username","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"adding mask of secret jx-boot entry gitInitCommands ","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"adding mask of secret jx-boot entry password ","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"ignoring secret jx-boot entry url","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"adding mask of secret lighthouse-hmac-token entry hmac ","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"adding mask of secret lighthouse-oauth-token entry oauth ","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"adding mask of secret tekton-container-registry-auth entry .dockerconfigjson ","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"adding mask of secret tekton-git entry username ","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"adding mask of secret tekton-git entry password ","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"wrote git credentials file /tmp/git-creds/git/credentials","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"about to run: git clone /tmp/jx-git-154599549 in dir /tmp","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:49Z"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Cloning into '/tmp/jx-git-154599549'...\nremote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead.\nremote: Please see for more information.\nfatal: Authentication failed for ''","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:50Z"}
{"level":"fatal","msg":"failed to get cluster requirements: failed to clone cluster git repo failed to clone repository to directory: /tmp/jx-git-154599549: failed to run 'git clone /tmp/jx-git-154599549' command in directory '/tmp', output: 'Cloning into '/tmp/jx-git-154599549'...\nremote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead.\nremote: Please see for more information.\nfatal: Authentication failed for '''","time":"2021-09-01T18:59:50Z"}

It appears that our git URL is not making its way through each of the propagated commands. We could use some help resolving the issue to use our Gitlab repository instead of the default service.

Found an update in the jx-requirements.yml file to specify the Gitlab server, and this seems to correct the issue with the jx-build-controller pod issue above. Closing the ticket as no longer an issue.

For reference, Git configuration reference: