
ExternalSecrets service

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Started from here:

Got to install Git Operator.
Installed git operator and nothing happens after I hit this:

# lets wait for the ExternalSecrets service to populate the mandatory Secret resources
VAULT_ADDR=https://vault.secret-infra:8200 jx secret wait
waiting for the mandatory Secrets to be populated from ExternalSecrets...
jenkins-x-chartmuseum: key secret/data/jx/adminUser missing properties: password, username
jx-pipeline-git-github-github: key secret/data/jx/pipelineUser missing properties: token, username
knative-docker-user-pass: key secret/data/knative/docker/user/pass missing properties: .dockerconfigjson
knative-git-user-pass: key secret/data/jx/pipelineUser missing properties: token, username
lighthouse-hmac-token: key secret/data/lighthouse/hmac missing properties: token
lighthouse-oauth-token: key secret/data/lighthouse/oauth missing properties: token
nexus: key secret/data/nexus missing properties: password

Just kinda sitting there. Not sure what to do next.

is this still an Issue? Lots of folks have had success with terraform, EKS and jx now.

if it is, do you have the external secrets pod running & vault up? Eg try kubectl get pod -n secret-infra and posting the output here

It is no longer an issue. Secrets pod was running but Vault wasn't up for some reason. Vault was failing to go up, so I tore down and restarted. Didn't run into issue again.