Jenkins Plugin Not Working
Unit111 opened this issue · 0 comments
I have pre-installed JX on AWS and I want to add regular Jenkins to execute my automation tests on. I followed the instructions from the official JX page:
After executing: jx gitops jenkins add --name regularjenkins
it looks like all new files were created:
- New
directory underhelmfiles
with hemlfile.yaml and values.yaml - New entry in .jx/gitops/source-config.yaml containing the following:
- server: regularjenkins
After pushing these changes Kubernetes did its thing and jx-values.yaml appeared under helmfiles/regularjenkins and new namespace was created.
Still following the guide I managed to switch to the new namespace running
jx ns myjenkins
and am able to get the information about the new service running kubectl get ing
jenkins <none> 80 21h
Obtaining the URL also works:
echo http://`kubectl get ingress jenkins -o jsonpath="{.spec.rules[0].host}"`
But if I try to obtain the admin password I get an error that it can't be found (we are using Vault to store our secrets):
kubectl get secret jenkins -o jsonpath="{.data.jenkins-admin-password}" | base64 --decode
Also, when I try to open the Jenkins server URL I receive from the command above, I get 503.
Octant also displays Jenkins but its constantly loading something: