
Widget Setting is not retained

safecracker opened this issue · 1 comments

Jenkins 2.176.2
Build Monitor View 1.12+build.201809061734
Build Failure Analyzer 1.25.1

If I set "Failure Analyzer Plugin: Field to display" to "Description" and Save, the Jenkins config.xml file is updated correctly:

<config> <displayCommitters>false</displayCommitters> <buildFailureAnalyzerDisplayedField>Description</buildFailureAnalyzerDisplayedField> <order class="com.smartcodeltd.jenkinsci.plugins.buildmonitor.order.ByName"/> </config>

But next time I open the Build Monitor Config, the "Field to display" is back to the default; "Name".

So it seems like it's not reading the config.xml properly.

Seems to be a similar problem to #491.