Better Support Multiple Jobs
DJViking opened this issue · 4 comments
Having multiple jobs is nearly impossible with this view plugin.
When using a low value of "Maximum number of columns", the text is impossible to read/make out.
I have to set this value to Max=8 and Text scale to max, in order to be able to read each job.
This picture shows only added the jobs for master
branch, and scale/column set to max value.
This next screenshot I have added all our other Release branches. The Scale/Columns are still at max 8/2.
It should be possible to define how much space one Job should take. If you need to scroll, so be it.
When it comes to the UI it is always difficult to satisfy everyone and sometimes just hard to add a new feature without breaking something else.
Anyway it you think it can be solved by plain CSS rules, here is how I increase the badge size to make them more visible (something that not everyone would like).
- Install the Simple Theme plugin
- Add a custom script under
and add it to the plugin configuration (e.g.:/userContent/js/custom.js
Here's my custom script:
var increaseBagdesSize = function() {
var sheet = window.document.styleSheets[0];
sheet.insertRule('span.badge { font-size: 200%; }', sheet.cssRules.length);
if(window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent('onload', increaseBagdesSize);
} else {
if(window.onload) {
var curronload = window.onload;
var newonload = function(evt) {
window.onload = newonload;
} else {
window.onload = increaseBagdesSize;
I have a similar issue.
Why not add an auto-scrolling loop option?
This way we can configure the jobs to be in the proper size we want, and the screen will scroll up and down in an infinite loop.
Probably defining the speed of the scrolling would be great.