
I don't want to show Dependency-Track Project on Jenkins

cl-emanuele-ferrara opened this issue · 1 comments

I have integrated dependency track on Jenkins but I want to show only the vulnerability report (Dependency-Track Report) in Jenkins pipeline, I don't want to show the link to the project in the application (Dependency-Track Project)

I don't want to show, therefore, not even the writing "These results may not be up to date. Please visit the Dependency-Track project page for most recent results"

Is it possible to do it?
I tried changing the permissions in the Teams section, but if I try to remove "View_Vulnerability/View_Portfolio" the Dependency-Track Report is also removed (but I want this).

This can be achieved using CSS. Custom CSS rules can be applied with the help of the Simple Theme plugin.

hide links
The links can be already hidden using one of the following rules, depending on which link you want to hide.

#side-panel #tasks .task-link[href$="dependency-track-findings"] {
        display: none;
#side-panel #tasks .task-link[href^="https://your-dt-host"] {
        display: none;

hide warning box
Hiding the warning box could also be done now but with the chance to also hide elements that are not related to the DT plugin. Therefore I decided to add a no-op css class "dt-warning" which helps to identify the box without side effects. The following rule will work as of version 5.0.

#main-panel > .alert.alert-warning.dt-warning {
        display: none;