
Deprecate 1809 image tag in favor of ltsc2019

sbaeurle opened this issue · 1 comments

What feature do you want to see added?

Windows discontinued the semi-annual release channel for their container base images (both nanoserver and servercore).
Instead they switched to LTSC releases and adjusted their naming scheme accordingly. (see and

This repo uses a mix of this naming scheme with 1809 for the Server 2019 Image and ltsc2022 for the 2022 one.
Would it be possible to streamline the tagging schema to push the ltsc2019 tag either in favor of 1809 or concurrently to it?

Upstream changes

Changes to the dockerfiles of and

Sorry guys, i misclicked and create this issue in the wrong repository. Wanted to address the Eclipse Temurin guys.

Will close this now!