
windowsservercore-2019 image not updated

Jonny-vb opened this issue · 5 comments

Jenkins and plugins versions report


What Operating System are you using (both controller, and any agents involved in the problem)?


Reproduction steps


Expected Results

windowsservercore-2019 docker image updated

Actual Results

windowsservercore-2019 has not been updated in 3 weeks now (only the jdk11-hotspot-windowsservercore-2019 windows image is being updated)

Anything else?

Not sure if this is to do with something having changed with the build process, or if something is failing with the windowsservercore-2019 image

As Java 17 is now the default since #1724, and as there is no Windows JDK 17 image (cf, the short tag windowsservercore-2019 isn't updated as there are no (new) windowsservercore images to build with the default JDK 17.

Until/unless Windows JDK17 images are added, you'll have to use the jdk11-hotspot-windowsservercore-2019 windows image (only its tag changes)

Please see #1490 (comment) : the build process is still not building autoamtically all versions for Windows, but it could be done. Work (help) is required

Reopening until validation with the next Weekly and LTS releases in two days.

All tags are now automatically built with the last Jenkins version, see Windows image tags starting from today: