
Unable to select language level (2.0.8)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi all,

Environment: FOD plugin version 2.0.8, tested with Jenkins 1.616, 2.41, and 1.658 (back to most stable 1.6 in case that was the issue), JDK 1.8u112 (verified via systeminfo in jenkins). This is on a windows server for uploading a .NET project.

In all cases after correct system-configuration for API/secret, then configuring project, setting up the post-build and selecting applications form pulldown (that is all working) matter what language or how long I wait, all the language levels are "N/A" and unable to actually upload anything (tried .net, java, etc, no pulldown options no matter how long wait, nothing in log files).

An older java build system on linux has the language levels working as expected (FOD plugin 1.10).

IMPACT: prevents upload as if selecting .NET and language level of 'N/A' from pulldown, prevents the actual upload.

FodUploaderPlugin: public ListBoxModel doFillLanguageLevelItems....

//original 2.0.8 tag code           
//            if (!Utils.isNullOrEmpty(technologyStack))
//                technologyStack = defaultTechStack;
// potential fix      
            if (Utils.isNullOrEmpty(technologyStack)){
            	technologyStack = defaultTechStack;

Appears to be already corrected in MASTER, just need a stable release.

Alright, this should be fixed in 2.0.9