Can receive any HTTP request, extract any values from JSON or XML and trigger a job with those values available as variables. Works with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Jira and many more.
- 5
Having issue parsing github request
#330 opened by lubronzhan - 1
Removes web hook token
#332 opened by arifariofficial - 4
125/5000 gitlab webhook has the following error: {"jobs":null,"message":"Did not find any jobs with GenericTrigger configured! \nA token was supplied.\n"}
#313 opened by wangkunyu123 - 0
Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin Version
#328 opened by lakshmansai333 - 1
Possible way to get the triggered job URL
#322 opened by kush-work - 1
files changed in a Pull Request
#323 opened by flutca - 18
Multibranch Pipeline triggering broken
#319 opened by medianick - 10
New jobs created with Jenkins REST API are not immediately registered with generic webook
#312 opened by nuxi - 7
Existing jobs configured with JobDSL are not immediately registered with generic webook
#311 opened by ntfc - 9
- 6
Pipeline is unable to configure itself
#320 opened by skreienk - 5
Help wanted: Okta one-time verification
#306 opened by yermulnik - 4
changed_files regexpFilterExpression doesn't work
#318 opened by DreamPWJ - 5
Did not find any jobs with GenericTrigger configured!\nA token was supplied.\n
#316 opened by CarryWll - 2
changed_files regexpFilterExpression doesn't work
#317 opened by DreamPWJ - 2
how to invoke global env variable (branch name) into Optional filter expression
#315 opened by radhikavelaga-aisera - 1
Can't export branch name
#309 opened by adilmughalqwe - 4
Possible to clear cache on demand?
#308 opened by ntfc - 4
The JSON response is not shown in Jenkins log, even if it is configured to be shown
#292 opened by GitHubaajat - 7
A token was supplied.\nIf you are using a token, you need to pass it like ...trigger/invoke?token=TOKENHERE\nIf you are not using a token
#302 opened by cf1998 - 9
Internal error (Error 500)
#301 opened by random92username - 1
Multiplying triggers
#304 opened by lemmuu - 1
- 3
Add a way to test a webhook is triggered but doesn't actually run the job (dry run)
#300 opened by matthuisman - 3
- 1
Failed to invoke the trigger and get 500 error code
#297 opened by ja2081 - 6
- 0
- 1
Link is dead
#294 opened by hamamo - 2
- 5
Reload trigger configuration from scm
#288 opened by schlumpfit - 3
Buildcause no longer detected since Jenkins update?
#289 opened by faandg - 7
Plugin does not accept Github token scheme
#287 opened by rchennafi - 1
- 2
GWT 1.88.1 breaks Jenkins job
#285 opened by gongsu832 - 2
- 3
Sometimes multiple variable contributions is shown
#283 opened by monwolf - 11
How can I get the raw json body?
#284 opened by yuchengren - 1
Running sh without filling in a value for Post content parameters will blocking
#279 opened by mikeygithub - 2
Getting no POST body in the Jenkins job
#277 opened by Mo0rBy - 18
Performance is slow for large installations
#272 opened by TomNewChao - 6
- 9
Webhook secret doesn't work with GitHub
#269 opened by hcldan - 3
- 1
How to bypass the crumb protection?
#267 opened by jrichardsz - 11
Unable to trigger build for tag based code checkout
#266 opened by Udayendu - 2
- 1
- 1
- 2