
JIRA issues in branch name not showing up in changelog

Closed this issue · 6 comments

This is the commits list on our master branch:


On a freestyle job,


and these are the reported issues:

Jira-Tickets mentioned in commits between 7.3.2 and 7.3.3-7:

but for a pipeline script using the gitChangelog step:

echo "from " + previousTag + " to " + repositoryVersion

def changelogContext = gitChangelog returnType: 'CONTEXT',                       
    from: [type: 'REF', value: previousTag], 
    to: [type: 'REF', value: repositoryVersion]
Set<String> issueIdentifiers = new TreeSet<>()
changelogContext.issues.each { issue ->
    if ( == 'Jira') {

echo "found issues: ${issueIdentifiers}"

it only reports the following issue keys:

from 7.3.2 to 7.3.3-7
[Pipeline] gitChangelog
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] echo
found issues: [NCO-7504]

am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance.

I can only see NCO-7504 in the screenshot you attached. The output from git log would be better.

Also it differs because this plugin is a merge of 2 plugins. And the code used when configuring the GUI like you did is not the same as the one used when writing that pipeline.

Perhaps try rendering a full changelog, like in the README, with commit hashes and messages. Between these tags. That should give a clear picture of what is happening.

Check the "Merge pull request" messages. These include the feature/bugfix branch names merged to master and containing the other issue keys. I'll try the full changelog as suggested.

even with ignoreCommitsIfMessageMatches: "", the only issue found is NCO-7504

I think I found the problem. A workaround would be to set the ignored pattern to something that will never exist in any commit. Like this:

node {
    stage("clone") {
     sh "git clone ."
    stage("changelog") {
     def changelogContext = gitChangelog returnType: 'CONTEXT',                       
     from: [type: 'REF', value: "7.3.2"], 
     to: [type: 'REF', value: "7.3.3-7"],
     ignoreCommitsIfMessageMatches: 'asdasdasdasd'
     Set<String> issueIdentifiers = new TreeSet<>()
     changelogContext.issues.each { issue ->
      if ( == 'Jira') {
     echo "found issues: ${issueIdentifiers}"
     changelogContext.commits.each {
         println "msg: "+it.message

I'll work on a fix for this!

I'm releasing 2.6 now with a fix. So that you don't need to specify ignoreCommitsIfMessageMatches. Should be available in update site within a few hours.