
Example for usage in pipeline

Opened this issue · 9 comments

Can you please provide example or some documentation on how to use it declarative or scripted pipeline? I used as below,


node("master") {
    stage ("List GCP Projects"){
        withCredentials([[$class: 'FileBinding', credentialsId: 'my-project-id', variable: 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS']]) {
            sh "gcloud projects list --sort-by=projectId --limit=5"

But it giving error like,

ERROR: Credentials 'my-project-id' is of type 'Google Service Account from private key' where 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.plaincredentials.FileCredentials' was expected

I also tried using as given in file

withCredentials([[$class: 'StringBinding', credentialsId: 'my-project-id', variable: 'GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS']]) {
   sh "gcloud projects list --sort-by=projectId --limit=5"

But above gave me error like,

ERROR: Credentials 'my-project-id' is of type 'Google Service Account from private key' where 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.plaincredentials.StringCredentials' was expected

Seconded, is there instructions anywhere on how to run gcloud commands with these credentials?

i am also facing the same issue
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'gcpgcr', variable: 'GC_KEY')]){
sh "cat '$GC_KEY' | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin"
sh "gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file='$GC_KEY'"
sh "gcloud auth configure-docker"
script: 'gcloud auth print-access-token',
returnStdout: true
echo "Pushing image To GCR"
sh "docker push $REMOTE_GCR/gemalto/$name:$version"

error: Credentials 'gcpgcr' is of type 'Google Service Account from private key' where 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.plaincredentials.FileCredentials' was expected
Finished: FAILURE

any resolution will help us

@rkamisetti792 we're using the helper function from this gist:

with slight modifications (because the way credentials are stored might have changed since the time the gist was written):

import hudson.util.Secret
import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider

private def getCredentials(credentialsId) {
    def build = currentBuild.rawBuild
      new GoogleOAuth2ScopeRequirement()  {
            public Collection<String> getScopes() {
              return null;
private def writeKeyFile(jsonKey) {
    def json
    try {
      json = Secret.decrypt(new String(jsonKey.getPlainData())).getPlainText()
    } catch(Exception e) {
      json = new String(jsonKey.getPlainData())
    writeFile encoding: 'UTF-8', file: '.auth/gcloud.json', text: json
    return pwd() + "/.auth/gcloud.json"

def call(projectId, credentialsId = null, body) {
  if (!credentialsId) {
    credentialsId = projectId
  def serviceAccount = getCredentials(credentialsId).getServiceAccountConfig()
  def keyFile = writeKeyFile(serviceAccount.getSecretJsonKey())
    try {
    } finally {
      sh "rm ${keyFile}"

then use it:

withGCloudCredentials(PROJECT_ID) {
  sh 'echo stuff'
sneko commented

If you don't want to use a shared library I made it working with:

withCredentials([[$class: 'FileBinding', credentialsId: 'XXXXXXXXX', variable: 'JSON_KEY']]) {
  sh 'gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file $JSON_KEY'
  sh 'make yourstuff'

But I agree, I don't understand why such a plugin does not show how to simply use it :/ or I probably missed something but I mainly saw questions about usage.

FTR not able to make it work using @sneko approach +1 to provide instructions here

+1 on providing instructions about consuming the credentials-id in the jenking pipeline.

Adding notes that I also can't make @sneko solution works.

I got the following error message:

Credentials 'xxxx' is of type 'Google Service Account from private key' where 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.plaincredentials.FileCredentials' was expected

Changing $class: 'FileBinding' to $class: 'FileCredentials' also doesn't work.

ciizz commented

You need to upload the JSON as a 'Secret file', not a 'Google Service Account from private key' File

@eyalzek method really works, just had to rename
def call(projectId, credentialsId = null, body) to
def withGCloudCredentials(projectId, credentialsId = null, body)