Multijob doesn't detect that the job has finished
Opened this issue · 2 comments
When I add a job that contains a task using the Task scanner plugin multiJob doesn't detect that the job has finished and gets stuck waiting for it to finish. However, within the console output for the job is says finished with SUCCESS
** in addition to the original report, I see this with a multijob calling multiple maven and freestyle jobs. We see it miss a completion event and hang 30-40% of the time. **
Steps to reproduce(which can be done easily):
- Spawn up a simple Jenkins instance of any version
- Install the multijob and Task Scanner plugins
- Create a multijob item in Jenkins
- Add a Task Scanner step within the job
- Run the job
Expected results:
The job completes without issues and the scan is done correctly
Actual Results:
The job hangs when calling the task scan without ever completing. This means the job has to be manually stopped and re-launched to try and catch the event the next time
Even a simpler test cases is failing for me.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Using Jenkins Version LTS 2.176.1 (2019-06-10)
- Install the Multijob Plugin Version 1.31 (Aug 1, 2018)
- Create a Multijob item in Jenkins with one Subjob item
- Run the Multijob item
Expected results:
The Subjob item passes and then the Multijob item passes.
Actual Results:
- Subjob item passes but the Multijob item is not detecting the passing. Eventually aborts because reaches 20 min limit. This problem is intermittent where pass/fail rates are 20%/80%.
2019-07-04 Update
- Moved from Multijob Plugin Version 1.31 (Aug 1, 2018) to Version 1.32 (Dec 26, 2018) and now getting expected results.