
Failed Tests section of Aggregated Test Results not populated > 8 jobs generating results

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I have a multijob that runs multiple jobs in parallel in the testing phase. On one platform, where there are 8 testing jobs per build, the Failed Tests section on the Aggregated Test Results page is correctly populated, with expandable links to the individual test failures in each job, sortable on test name or age. For my other two platforms, where the testing phase has 12 jobs, the Failed Test section is not properly populated. The links to the TestReports are present, and the sorting header panel, but there are no links to the individual tests, which makes that page much less useful.

The 8-job version doesn't reliably generate fewer failures, or have any other distinct qualities that seem relevant to this problem. When the other platforms had fewer testing jobs, the Failed Tests section was correctly populated, but those ephemeral jobs are now long gone.

I'm running Jenkins 2.181-1.1 on Linux, with jenkins-multijob-plugin 1.32.

I've attached blurred screenshots, which hopefully illustrate the issue.
