
jenkins-war infrastructure

rmoriz opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, seems to be dead?
Latest rubygem of jenkins-war is 1.514 May 5, 2013 (49.3 MB)

Can we re-enable the automatic release of this gem?

Also I would like to have a ruby-runtime with jruby-rack 1.1.14 and the latest JRuby Version (e.g. for a fix of jruby/jruby-rack@e39b017)

thanks :)

/ping @cowboyd
If you are busy to release jenkins.war gem, I am interested in doing that.

I can give you rights to the gem, but keep in mind, that rubycentral took issue with the size and frequency of the uploads, so you may need to adopts some strategy to pull in the warfile as a post-install or something.

maybe store the warfile on ?