
Simplify test reporting

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Your current example suggests something like

def allTests() {
  mvn 'test -B'
  step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'])
  if (currentBuild.result == "UNSTABLE") {
      sh "exit 1"

def mvn(args) {
    sh "mvn ${args} -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore -Dmaven.repo.local=/github/workspace/.m2"

which does not make much sense to me. First you are running Maven and telling it to accept test failures; then you are running the Jenkins publisher for tests, which is only useful for setting a build status since the actual reports are discarded as soon as the container exits; then you are causing the build to fail if there were results. This could all be done more simply:

def allTests() {
  mvn 'test -B'

def mvn(args) {
    sh "mvn ${args} -Dmaven.repo.local=/github/workspace/.m2"

letting Surefire fail the build if there are any test failures—its default behavior.

(Also BTW the -B argument could be pushed down into the mvn function.)

@jglick: The Jenkinsfile shown was a very stripped down version of a bigger project which had more sophisticated conditions around, see

I will go ahead and make the changes you suggested