Wrong command line in "Attaching after JVM startup"
WolfgangHG opened this issue · 5 comments
Describe your use-case which is not covered by existing documentation.
The chapter Attaching after JVM startup uses this command:
java -jar path/to/file-leak-detector.jar 1500 threshold=200,strong
This does not work for me: "file-leak-detector-1-16.jar" does not define a Main class. And when declaring the class to invoke, there is an error about missing classes ("ags4j" stuff).
You have to use the file "file-leak-detector-1.16-jar-with-dependencies.jar"
Reference any relevant documentation, other materials or issues/pull requests that can be used for inspiration.
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So you would like the documentation to be updated to read file-leak-detector-1.16-jar-with-dependencies.jar
rather than file-leak-detector-1-16.jar
@basil Exactly. At least this worked for me.
I don't know whether the snippets in the chapter "Usage" are also affected.
And you decided to file an issue for this rather than a pull request?
Yes - I considered it dangerous to send pull request after having used this project for the first time and not having any detailed knowledge ;-). If you prefer it, I can create a pull request, but as I wrote before, I don't know whether the chapter "Usage" would also have to be changed.
Yes, please submit a pull request. Don't worry about that other chapter... you've already demonstrated that your proposed improvement is a strict improvement over the status quo.