
Support multibranch pipeline

ahatala opened this issue · 9 comments

The plastic plugin doesn't register as source for multibranch pipeline jobs.

Has this been implemented yet ?

mig42 commented

Hi @thomrohit! I'm afraid this is still a pending feature request.

You can turn on Git support in the Plastic SCM server to achieve that:

Apparently there is an additional cost when using the GitServer feature to create a multibranch pipeline (Plastic On-Prem pricing for around 23$ p. User).
Is there any known workaround to get the multibranch pipeline working with "just" a cloud repository?

Hi @manzinge , multibranch support is still a pending feature to be implemented. It's in our roadmap but we can't commit to a date at this point - sorry for the inconvenience.

Hey @mig42 thank you for the response!
Is it possible to use the GitServer feature of the on-premise feature without paying the additional cost I mentioned above?
I don't think the hefty additional cost for a feature that is still pending for the cloud feature is feasible.
Please let me know if you have any Idea on how to get this working

Unfortunately, I don't have that information 😔 Try contacting support and explaining your situation to them, maybe there's something they can do for your scenario.

Heya, we'd love to get this in too.
Has these been looked at all at present?
Potentially some of myself or one my team could look at implementing it.

Hi @alexgeek,

Our plan is to adapt our plugin to leverage the SCM API plugin for SCM support in Jenkins. However, due to our present bandwith, the priority for this work has been pushed back in our team.