
A retro-style 2D cockpit overlay for your 3D game

Primary LanguageJavaScript


cockpit.js lets you add an retro-style 2D cockpit overlay to your 3D game and lets you move it around, vibrate and shake it to simulate the player's head movement and/or physical impact on the ship/car/plane/vehicle.

The idea is strikingly simple and has worked for years in simulators (and is still being used today in games). I figured that the implementation would be strikingly simple as well and gave it a shot on a sunday night. But, I like it, and plan to add more features to it without increasing it's low complexity.


Grab the cockpit.js file and include it in your page via script tag or pull it in using an AMD loader like require.js.

To add a cockpit to your game, just create a new Cockpit instance and pass the path to the cockpit overlay image:

var cockpit = new Cockpit('path/to/my/overlay.png');

##Basic Effects

The most basic thing to do now is to move your cockpit around:

cockpit.move(horizontalValue, verticalValue);

The two values you have to pass must be numbers ranging from 0 to 1, where 1 is the maximum movement.

Next, make your cockpit vibrate for a set duration:


Duration is passed in ms and optional, defaulting to 600ms.

If you don't now upfront how long your cockpit is going to vibrate, use the following two methods:

cockpit.beginVibrate(); and cockpit.endVibrate();

If things go hairy, e.g. your vehicle is being hit, you can shake your cockpit:

cockpit.shake(intensity, duration);

Where intensity is a number from 0 to 1. Duration is passed in ms. Both arguments are optional, intensity defaulting to 0.5 and duration to 300.

As with vibrating, you can shake the cockpit for an unknown amount of time using

cockpit.beginShake(intensity); and cockpit.endShake();

The intensity param is optional and works as described above.

Instead of the begin/end methods, you can also use the following method:


where state is one of 'normal', 'vibrate' or 'shake'. You can't pass any options for now (it will use default values), but you have a convenient method to toggle between the different states.

##Text Items

You can also add some HUD-like text items to your cockpit, that will move around with the cockpit:

cockpit.addText(id, textToDisplay);

The id is applied to the text item's DOMNode, so you can use it to position and style it. For positioning, I recommend to use absolute positioning with percentages so that the text will stay in place independent of window size (well, almost, soo TODO section).

To update your text item, just call

cockpit.updateText(id, textToDisplay);

with the id you previously passed and the new text.

##Custom Timer / Render Loop

By default, cockpit.js uses window's timeout and interval methods. If you want to move all DOM modifications caused by moving/vibrating/shaking into a render loop (and you will probably want to), you can pass a custom timer to the constructor:

var cockpit = new Cockpit('path/to/my/overlay.png', myTimer);

That timer needs to provide the setTimeout, setInterval and clearInterval methods.

Why using a render loop and custom timer? A quick example: If your cockpit is in a vibrating state, and the player pauses the game, your cockpit would continue shaking, even though the game is paused.

But, code is better than words, see example #3 and view-source.

A pausable timer can be found here (this is the one I use in the example).



  • Use transform3d() instead of left/right and compare performance
  • Add beginShake() and endShake() methods to do ongoing shaking
  • Add methods to conveniently add HUD like text to the cockpit
  • Add methods to allow grouping of text items
  • Handle positioning of text inside of the code to make it precisely show up at the desired spot
  • Add preventMove param to vibrate and shake to enable more precise movements
  • Change shake and vibrate signature to kwArgs to not screw up existing code when new params are introduced
  • Add z-axis movement, might look nice for intense de-/acceleration
  • Add UMD wrapper