

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Hey !

I add some problem with the script, because my CSV file is maybe .. To oversize (since 2015 >>)

So i have to add this two little thing :

1- Correct the accent, just for the view :
pip insttall ftfy (update requirement.txt)

On line 14 add :
from ftfy import fix_text
After line 39 :
entry = row["Title"]
entry = fix_text(entry)

2- Open the csv file in utf8 encoding, with oversize file , that could be a problem to the script to read correcly without this :
So replace -> with open(config.VIEWING_HISTORY_FILENAME, mode="r") as csvFile:
With -> open(config.VIEWING_HISTORY_FILENAME, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as csvFile:

And you're ready to go