
Cannot get the OAuth to work

brianlehr opened this issue · 3 comments

This may just be a problem with me and not the program itself.

I am always failing the authentication checks, when I try to use the PIN code (which I get from clicking the "Authorize" button in the OAuth section from the Redirect URI section of the custom user-created Letterboxd import app). Is there another code I should be using? Has the backend Trakt code changed?

The PIN Code should be all that you need. A few weeks ago at least it still worked for me. I will check on the weekend. You could try deleting your auth.json (if you have used the the import before already) and try again with a new PIN Code maybe. I will have a look, if there is something changed on PIN authorization via Trakt.

Ok, I just tried. Even though there is a new authentication method on trakt (device authentication), the process with the PIN still works.
If you still have problems try this:

  1. Delete the auth.json file in your folder
  2. Delete the app on trakt and create a new one
  3. Fill in "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" as redirect uri
  4. Click the Authorize Button in the Oauth section
  5. Fill in all 3 codes (client id + secret + pin) in the python file
  6. exectue the program ($ python diary.csv)

In the future I will implement the device authentication, since at some point trakt will probably don't offer the PIN authentication anymore. But for now, it should still be ok

Deleting the app indeed fixed the issue, thanks again!