
rails aborted! ActiveRecord::InvalidForeignKey: PG::ForeignKeyViolation: ERROR: update or delete on table "users" violates foreign key constraint "fk_rails_03de2dc08c" on table "comments" DETAIL: Key (id)=(11) is still referenced from table "comments". : DELETE FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1

sambukhari04 opened this issue · 2 comments

I am stuck on this error for a while and have no idea what's wrong. Please HELP!

@sambukhari04 it sounds like you're deleting a record from users when there is still corresponding data in the comments table ... the major selling point of foreign keys is that they prevent you from doing that sort of thing, which would otherwise leave orphaned data around. So in this case, the foreign key has caught a problem in your application logic.

To solve this, you probably want to modify your has_many :comments association in your User model to have a dependent option. Some possibilities:

  1. has_many :comments, dependent: :delete_all - just automatically delete them when the user is deleted
  2. has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy - like above, but call #destroy on each comment instead of just deleting directly in the db
  3. has_many :comments, dependent: :nullify - don't delete comments when the user is deleted, just null out their user_id column

See for more information