
A simple Python script to generate calendar events.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A simple Python script to generate calendar events, e.g. a training plan, in iCalendar format from a csv file.

The output is suitable for importing into every calendar apps that supports the iCalendar format.


calgen.py [-h] (-s START_DATE | -e EVENT_DATE) -i INPUT_FILE -o OUTPUT_FILE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        start date in format "YYYY-MM-DD"
                        event date in format "YYYY-MM-DD"
                        path to input file
                        path to output file

Start or event date

You must either specify a start date or and event date, but not both, using the corresponding command-line options.

If you specify a start date (-s/--start YYYY-MM-DD), then for each entry from the input file, a calendar event is generated where the event's date is determined by adding the event's day offset (an integer) to the start date.

If you specify an event date (-e/--event YYYY-MM-DD), then the start date is determined by subtracting the largest day offset found in the input file from the given date. This is useful if the input is e.g. a training calendar that targets an event on a given day. Rather than calculating on which day the first entry needs to be placed so that the plan ends on the event date, you can just specify the date of the target event itself. In your input, the entry with the largest day offset must then correspond to the target event.

See input.csv for an example of how to specify day offsets.

Input file

The input file must be a csv file using semicolon ; as the field delimiter. The script tries to sniff other properties of the used csv dialect. Blank lines or text after a hash character # are treated as commentary and are removed before the input is processed.

See input.csv for a valid example (in German).

Output file

The output file contains the generated calendar events in iCalendar format. This format can be imported into most common calendar applications.


For years I used to use free online training plans from Runner's World. The site could also generate plans with dates relative to a given start or event date. Also, plans could be exported to a file in iCalendar format.

As of this year, the plans are no longer available free of charge. Instead, you need to buy each plan for EUR 9,90. Given that all plans have been in the public domain for years, I created this script and re-created a plan I used from a previously exported iCalendar file.