
Response and Schema Examples

pdurkim opened this issue · 8 comments

In the right-most column, the auth0 API docs show samples of the response and schema. How do you define these samples? So, if I have a swagger definition:

swagger_api :index do
  summary 'List Discussions'
  param :path, :workroom_id, :integer, :required, "ID of workroom to filter discussions"

how and where can you define example responses and schemas?

This would be useful, they are included in the standard swagger-ui - any hints on where to enabled these in this awesome theme?

If example responses and schemas are defined in your Swagger definition file, then it should just work out of the box for you. (Nice touch: if you shrink the width of your screen to tablet-or-lower resolutions, the responsive design that @jensoleg has put together hides the sample/schema column, and adds a Show Sample button to display them in a pop-up instead).

In the Swagger definition for an API endpoint, it would look something like this:

"responses": {
    "200" : {
        "description": "The operation completed successfully",
        "schema": {
           "$ref": "#/Namespace.To.Your.Model"
        "examples": {
            "application/json": {
                id: 12345,
                name: "Sample value",
                created: "2016-02-14T06:02:03"

I'm using Swashbuckle to generate the Swagger definition from my ASP.NET WebAPI.

It works for the responses but I dont have any that describe the exceptions, the examples are defined in my definition block - not sure if that makes a difference?

As in a model/schema and sample when the response is e.g. a 400 Bad Request?

Yep - e.g:

"NoCampaignFoundError [data]": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "code": {
                    "description": "HTTP Error Code",
                    "type": "integer",
                    "format": "int32"
                "message": {
                    "description": "Description of Error",
                    "type": "string"
                "exception": {
                    "description": "Exception Details",
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {
                        "$ref": "#/definitions/ExceptionObject"
            "example": {
                "success": false,
                "data": {
                    "message": "No campaign found",
                    "url": "/impressions/beacon.json",
                    "code": 404,
                    "exception": {
                        "class": "Cake\\Network\\Exception\\NotFoundException",
                        "code": 404,
                        "message": "No campaign found"

And that renders successfully in this fork? I can't even get Swashbuckle to generate that part of the definition, so I can't try it out in my API.

No sorry that was my point, the error examples dont render in this but they work fine in the vanilla swagger-ui, I assume that those template sections have been removed but not sure where to look?

Nowadays, we're having the same issue. It's only happens with array/list models. If we use a simple model (object, string...) it works.

Wrong Rendered:

`HTTP Status Code Reason Response Model Headers
400 BadRequest Array[object] `

Expected Rendered:

`HTTP Status Code Reason Response Model Headers
400 BadRequest [{"codigo": 0,"mensaje": "string"}] `

This wrong rendered only happens with all request that aren't 200 (404,500...) and the reponse model is an array/list.

¿Any idea what's happening?