
[CV_3D] VoxelNet: End-to-End Learning for Point Cloud Based 3D Object Detection

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VoxelNet: End-to-End Learning for Point Cloud Based 3D Object Detection

Paper Review


  • Previous methods : LiDAR data를 RRN(Region Proposal Network)에 넣기 위해 hand-crafted feature 제작
  • VoxelNet : feature extraction과 bbox prediction을 single stage로 통합한 end-to-end network 제안
    • PC data를 같은 간격의 3D Voxel로 쪼갬 (Voxel Partition)
    • VFE layer 통해 각 voxel 안의 points로 Voxel feature 제작
    • 3D conv layer 통해 Local voxel feature를 통합
    • RPN 통해 bbox 생성

1. Introduction

1.1 Related Work

1.2 Contributions

  • End-to-end trainable deep network for pc-based 3D detection by VFE
  • Efficient implementation for sparse point structure and parallel processing on voxel grid (GPU)
  • SOTA results on KITTI benchmark (LiDAR-based car, pedestrian, cyclist detection)

2. VoxelNet

[ VoxelNet Architecture ]


1️⃣ Feature Learning Network

Voxel Partition

  • To subdivide(voxelize) 3D space into equally spaced voxels
  • 3D voxel grid : $[D', H', W']$ $(D'=D/v_D, H'=H/v_H, W'=W/v_W)$
    • $D, H, W$ : LiDAR point가 분포하는 영역의 z축(위), y축(좌측), x축(전방) 길이
    • $v_D, v_H, v_W$ : 단위 voxel의 z, y, x 방향 길이
    • In paper, $(v_D, v_H, v_W) = (0.4, 0.2, 0.2)$


  • LiDAR data : sparse 하며 voxel 마다 point 수 다름
  • 하나의 voxel grid 내에 있는 points를 같은 voxel group에 할당 → point group

Random Sampling

  • Voxel마다 max point 개수 $T$ 정해 그 이상의 points 갖는 voxel에 대해 $T$개 Sampling
  • LiDAR sensor로 얻은 PC는 1 frame 당 100,000개 points
  • Purposes : computation ↓, point density imbalance ↓ (sampling bias ↓), variation to training

Stacked Voxel Feature Encoding (VFE)

  • Fig. VFE Layer-1
  • Non-empty voxel containing $t$ LiDAR points : $V = p_i = [x_i, y_i, z_i, r_i]^T\in\mathbb{R}^4$, $i=1...t$
    • $x_i, y_i, z_i$ : XYZ coordinates for $i$-th point
    • $r_i$ : received reflectance
  • Input feature set (Point-wise Input) : $V_{in} = \hat{p}_i= [x_i, y_i, z_i, r_i, x_i-v_x, y_i-v_y, z_i-v_z]^T\in\mathbb{R}^7$, $i=1...t$
    • centroid 대한 각 points의 relative offset (=각 points의 feature)
    • $(v_x, v_y, v_z)$ : centroid of all points in $V$ = local mean
  • Point-wise Feature : Point-wise Input을 FCN에 통과시켜 feature space로 보낸 결과
    • FCN = linear layer + BN + ReLU
    • aggregating information from point features → encoding shape of surface within voxel
  • Locally Aggregated Feature
    • Point-wise Feature (=voxel 내 모든 points의 feature)에 element-wise max-pooling 수행한 결과
  • Point-wise concatenated Feature : $f_i^{out}\in\mathbb{R}^2m$
    • Point-wise Feature와 Voxel-wise Feature를 concat한 결과
  • Output feature set : $V_{out} = f_i^{out}$, $i=1...t$
    • = Point-wise Feature-1 → VFE Layer-2의 input
  • Voxel-wise Feature
    • 모든 non-empty voxel은 같은 FCN으로 encoding
    • VFE-layer를 stacking 하여 voxel 내부 points의 shape information 학습 가능
    • $n(=2)$ VFE-layer를 통과한 후 얻어진 point-wise feature를 FCN과 Maxpooling에 통과시켜 얻은 최종 결과
    • 3D points 만으로는 CNN 학습 hard → 3D space를 voxel로 쪼개 CNN 학습에 적합한 구조를 만들어 각 voxel의 feature 계산하여 Convolutional Middle Layers의 input으로 사용

[Code] Feature Learning Network

# Fully Connected Network
class FCN(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self,cin,cout):
        super(FCN, self).__init__()
        self.cout = cout
        self.linear = nn.Linear(cin, cout) = nn.BatchNorm1d(cout)

    def forward(self,x):
        # KK is the stacked k across batch
        kk, t, _ = x.shape
        x = self.linear(x.view(kk*t,-1))
        x = F.relu(
        return x.view(kk,t,-1)

# Voxel Feature Encoding (VFE) Layer
class VFE(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self,cin,cout):
        super(VFE, self).__init__()
        assert cout % 2 == 0
        self.units = cout // 2
        self.fcn = FCN(cin,self.units)

    def forward(self, x, mask):
        # point-wise feature
        pwf = self.fcn(x)
        #locally aggregated feature
        laf = torch.max(pwf,1)[0].unsqueeze(1).repeat(1,cfg.T,1)
        # point-wise concat feature
        pwcf =,laf),dim=2)
        # apply mask
        mask = mask.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, self.units * 2)
        pwcf = pwcf * mask.float()

        return pwcf

# Stacked Voxel Feature Encoding
class SVFE(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self):
        super(SVFE, self).__init__()
        self.vfe_1 = VFE(7,32)
        self.vfe_2 = VFE(32,128)
        self.fcn = FCN(128,128)
    def forward(self, x):
        mask =,2)[0], 0)
        x = self.vfe_1(x, mask)
        x = self.vfe_2(x, mask)
        x = self.fcn(x)
        # element-wise max pooling
        x = torch.max(x,1)[0]
        return x

Sparse Tensor Representation

  • pc ~ 100k points → 90%이상이 empty voxel
  • non-empty voxel features를 sparse tensor로 표현 (list 형태)
  • backprop에서 memory usage & computation cost ↓

2️⃣ Convolutional Middle Layers

  • Input : voxel-wise feature
  • CML = 3D CNN + BN + ReLU
  • In paper, 3 CML
  • receptive field를 넓히면서 voxel-wise features를 aggregation

[Code] Convolutional Middle Layer

# conv3d + bn + relu
class Conv3d(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, k, s, p, batch_norm=True):
        super(Conv3d, self).__init__()
        self.conv = nn.Conv3d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=k, stride=s, padding=p)
        if batch_norm:
   = nn.BatchNorm3d(out_channels)
   = None

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.conv(x)
        if is not None:
            x =

        return F.relu(x, inplace=True)

# Convolutional Middle Layer
class CML(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(CML, self).__init__()
        self.conv3d_1 = Conv3d(128, 64, 3, s=(2, 1, 1), p=(1, 1, 1))
        self.conv3d_2 = Conv3d(64, 64, 3, s=(1, 1, 1), p=(0, 1, 1))
        self.conv3d_3 = Conv3d(64, 64, 3, s=(2, 1, 1), p=(1, 1, 1))

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.conv3d_1(x)
        x = self.conv3d_2(x)
        x = self.conv3d_3(x)
        return x

3️⃣ Region Proposal Network (RPN)


  • Input : CML로 얻은 64(channel) x 2(z) x 400(y) x 352(x) 형태의 4D feature map을 128 x 400 x 352 형태의 3D tensor로 reshaping한 BEV feature map
  • Outputs : 2-dim Probability score map (class score) & 14-dim Regression map (bbox regression)
    • Probability score map (class score) : 각 anchor에 대해 해당 class가 맞을 확률(0, 1)
    • Regression map (bbox regression) : bbox parameter 7개에 대한 regression 결과
  • Layers : Conv2D(input channel #, output channel #, kernel size, stride size, padding size)
  • 3 FC blocks
    • 각 block의 1st layer = stride 2 → feature map size를 1/2로 downsampling
    • 각 block을 거쳐 나온 features를 같은 size로 upsampling 하여 concat
    • 최종 high resol feature map을 Conv3D layer 통과 → Class Probability score map & bbox Regression map

[Code] Region Proposal Network (RPN)

# conv2d + bn + relu
class Conv2d(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,in_channels,out_channels,k,s,p, activation=True, batch_norm=True):
        super(Conv2d, self).__init__()
        self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels,out_channels,kernel_size=k,stride=s,padding=p)
        if batch_norm:
   = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels)
   = None
        self.activation = activation
    def forward(self,x):
        x = self.conv(x)
        if is not None:
        if self.activation:
            return F.relu(x,inplace=True)
            return x

# Region Proposal Network
class RPN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(RPN, self).__init__()
        self.block_1 = [Conv2d(128, 128, 3, 2, 1)]
        self.block_1 += [Conv2d(128, 128, 3, 1, 1) for _ in range(3)]
        self.block_1 = nn.Sequential(*self.block_1)

        self.block_2 = [Conv2d(128, 128, 3, 2, 1)]
        self.block_2 += [Conv2d(128, 128, 3, 1, 1) for _ in range(5)]
        self.block_2 = nn.Sequential(*self.block_2)

        self.block_3 = [Conv2d(128, 256, 3, 2, 1)]
        self.block_3 += [nn.Conv2d(256, 256, 3, 1, 1) for _ in range(5)]
        self.block_3 = nn.Sequential(*self.block_3)

        self.deconv_1 = nn.Sequential(nn.ConvTranspose2d(256, 256, 4, 4, 0),nn.BatchNorm2d(256))
        self.deconv_2 = nn.Sequential(nn.ConvTranspose2d(128, 256, 2, 2, 0),nn.BatchNorm2d(256))
        self.deconv_3 = nn.Sequential(nn.ConvTranspose2d(128, 256, 1, 1, 0),nn.BatchNorm2d(256))

        self.score_head = Conv2d(768, cfg.anchors_per_position, 1, 1, 0, activation=False, batch_norm=False)
        self.reg_head = Conv2d(768, 7 * cfg.anchors_per_position, 1, 1, 0, activation=False, batch_norm=False)

    def forward(self,x):
        x = self.block_1(x)
        x_skip_1 = x
        x = self.block_2(x)
        x_skip_2 = x
        x = self.block_3(x)
        x_0 = self.deconv_1(x)
        x_1 = self.deconv_2(x_skip_2)
        x_2 = self.deconv_3(x_skip_1)
        x =,x_1,x_2),1)
        return self.score_head(x),self.reg_head(x)

[ Loss Function ]

Total Loss = Normalized Classification Loss + Normalized Regression Loss

(1) $L_{cls}$ : Classification Loss by BCE loss

  • $p_i^{pos}, p_j^{neg}$ : softmax output for positive and negative anchor
  • $a_i^{pos}$, $i=1...N_{pos}$ : set of positive anchors (pre-defined bbox)
    • GT bbox와의 IoU가 특정값보다 큰 anchors → score ~~1

      In paper, Car : 0.65, Pedestrian & Cyclist : 0.5

  • $a_j^{neg}$, $j=1...N_{neg}$ : set of negative anchors
    • GT bbox와의 IoU가 특정값보다 작은 anchors → score ~~0
  • $(x_c^g, y_c^g, z_c^g, l^g, w^g, h^g, \theta^g)$ : 3D GT bbox
    • $x_c^g, y_c^g, z_c^g$ : center location = feature map location
    • $l^g, w^g, h^g$ : length, width, height of box → class 마다 다름

      In paper, Car : (3.9, 1.6, 1.56)

    • $\theta^g$ : yaw rotation around Z-axis (0~2𝝅)

      In paper, $\theta$ = 0, 𝝅/2 → anchor 2개 → Outputs : 2-dim & 14-dim

(2) $L_{reg}$ : Regression Loss by SmoothL1 loss

  • $u_i\in\mathbb{R}^7$ : regression output
  • $u_i^*\in\mathbb{R}^7$ : GT for positive anchor
  • $u^*\in\mathbb{R}^7$ : residual vector

[Code] Loss function

class VoxelLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, alpha, beta):
        super(VoxelLoss, self).__init__()
        self.smoothl1loss = nn.SmoothL1Loss(size_average=False)
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.beta = beta

    def forward(self, rm, psm, pos_equal_one, neg_equal_one, targets):

        p_pos = F.sigmoid(psm.permute(0,2,3,1))
        rm = rm.permute(0,2,3,1).contiguous()
        rm = rm.view(rm.size(0),rm.size(1),rm.size(2),-1,7)
        targets = targets.view(targets.size(0),targets.size(1),targets.size(2),-1,7)
        pos_equal_one_for_reg = pos_equal_one.unsqueeze(pos_equal_one.dim()).expand(-1,-1,-1,-1,7)

        rm_pos = rm * pos_equal_one_for_reg
        targets_pos = targets * pos_equal_one_for_reg

        cls_pos_loss = -pos_equal_one * torch.log(p_pos + 1e-6)
        cls_pos_loss = cls_pos_loss.sum() / (pos_equal_one.sum() + 1e-6)

        cls_neg_loss = -neg_equal_one * torch.log(1 - p_pos + 1e-6)
        cls_neg_loss = cls_neg_loss.sum() / (neg_equal_one.sum() + 1e-6)

        reg_loss = self.smoothl1loss(rm_pos, targets_pos)
        reg_loss = reg_loss / (pos_equal_one.sum() + 1e-6)
        conf_loss = self.alpha * cls_pos_loss + self.beta * cls_neg_loss
        return conf_loss, reg_loss

2.3 Efficient Implementation


  • $K$ : non-empty voxels의 최대 개수
  • $T$ : 각 voxel이 가질 수 있는 point의 최대 개수


  • ( $K$ x $T$ x $1$ )-dim Voxel Coordinate Buffer(VCB) 와 ( $K$ x $T$ x $7$ )-dim Voxel Input Feature Buffer(VIFB) 초기화
  • Sparse한 Input PC를 Stacked VFE-layers에 넣기 전, VIFB에 통과시켜 Dense한 형태로 바꿈 & 빈 공간은 0으로 채움 → GPU parallel 연산 가능
    • points를 돌면서 해당 point가 속한 voxel이 초기화된 적이 없다면, voxel의 coordinate를 VCB에 추가
    • & 해당 point를 7-dim vector로 만들어 VIFB의 해당 voxel 위치에 추가
  • Stacked VFE-layers를 통과한 Voxel-wise Feature들을 VCB를 이용해 3D space 상의 Sparse tensor로 mapping
  • Sparse tensor는 middle conv layer와 RPN으로 들어감

[Code] Efficient VoxelNet

class VoxelNet(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self):
        super(VoxelNet, self).__init__()
        self.svfe = SVFE()
        self.cml = CML()
        self.rpn = RPN()

    def voxel_indexing(self, sparse_features, coords):
        dim = sparse_features.shape[-1]
        dense_feature = Variable(torch.zeros(dim, cfg.N, cfg.D, cfg.H, cfg.W).cuda())
        dense_feature[:, coords[:,0], coords[:,1], coords[:,2], coords[:,3]]= sparse_features
        return dense_feature.transpose(0, 1)

    def forward(self, voxel_features, voxel_coords):
        # feature learning network
        vwfs = self.svfe(voxel_features)
        vwfs = self.voxel_indexing(vwfs,voxel_coords)

        # convolutional middle network
        cml_out = self.cml(vwfs)

        # region proposal network
        # merge the depth and feature dim into one, output probability score map and regression map
        psm,rm = self.rpn(cml_out.view(cfg.N,-1,cfg.H, cfg.W))

        return psm, rm

3. Training Details

Data Augmentation

  • Less than 4000 training PC → Overfitting issue
  • 1) Perturbation (Rotation and Translation) to each GT bbox
    • bbox center를 중심으로 [-π/10, π/10] uniform distribution에서 sampling한 각도만큼 Rotation
    • (x, y, z) 방향으로 각각 (0,1) Gaussian distribution에서 sampling한 값만큼 Translation
    • Collision test bw two boxes → collision 있으면 원래대로 되돌림
  • 2) Global Scaling
    • All GT bbox $b_i$와 whole PC $M$에 대해 [0.95, 1.05] uniform distribution에서 sampling한 값만큼 Scaling
    • Result : Robustness ↑ for detecting objects with various sizes and distances
  • 3) Global Rotation
    • All GT bbox $b_i$와 whole PC $M$에 대해 [-π/4, π/4] uniform distribution에서 sampling한 각도만큼 (0,0,0)을 중심으로 Z-axis로 Rotation
    • Result : rotating entire pc → simulating vehicle making a turn
    • 1 : 개별 bbox, 3 : 전체 scene

[Code] Data Augmentation

def draw_polygon(img, box_corner, color = (255, 255, 255),thickness = 1):

    tup0 = (box_corner[0, 1],box_corner[0, 0])
    tup1 = (box_corner[1, 1],box_corner[1, 0])
    tup2 = (box_corner[2, 1],box_corner[2, 0])
    tup3 = (box_corner[3, 1],box_corner[3, 0])
    cv2.line(img, tup0, tup1, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA)
    cv2.line(img, tup1, tup2, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA)
    cv2.line(img, tup2, tup3, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA)
    cv2.line(img, tup3, tup0, color, thickness, cv2.LINE_AA)
    return img

def point_transform(points, tx, ty, tz, rx=0, ry=0, rz=0):
    # Input:
    #   points: (N, 3)
    #   rx/y/z: in radians
    # Output:
    #   points: (N, 3)
    N = points.shape[0]
    points = np.hstack([points, np.ones((N, 1))])
    mat1 = np.eye(4)
    mat1[3, 0:3] = tx, ty, tz
    points = np.matmul(points, mat1)
    if rx != 0:
        mat = np.zeros((4, 4))
        mat[0, 0] = 1
        mat[3, 3] = 1
        mat[1, 1] = np.cos(rx)
        mat[1, 2] = -np.sin(rx)
        mat[2, 1] = np.sin(rx)
        mat[2, 2] = np.cos(rx)
        points = np.matmul(points, mat)
    if ry != 0:
        mat = np.zeros((4, 4))
        mat[1, 1] = 1
        mat[3, 3] = 1
        mat[0, 0] = np.cos(ry)
        mat[0, 2] = np.sin(ry)
        mat[2, 0] = -np.sin(ry)
        mat[2, 2] = np.cos(ry)
        points = np.matmul(points, mat)
    if rz != 0:
        mat = np.zeros((4, 4))
        mat[2, 2] = 1
        mat[3, 3] = 1
        mat[0, 0] = np.cos(rz)
        mat[0, 1] = -np.sin(rz)
        mat[1, 0] = np.sin(rz)
        mat[1, 1] = np.cos(rz)
        points = np.matmul(points, mat)
    return points[:, 0:3]

def box_transform(boxes_corner, tx, ty, tz, r=0):
    # boxes_corner (N, 8, 3)
    for idx in range(len(boxes_corner)):
        boxes_corner[idx] = point_transform(boxes_corner[idx], tx, ty, tz, rz=r)
    return boxes_corner

def cal_iou2d(box1_corner, box2_corner):
    box1_corner = np.reshape(box1_corner, [4, 2])
    box2_corner = np.reshape(box2_corner, [4, 2])
    box1_corner = ((cfg.W, cfg.H)-(box1_corner - (cfg.xrange[0], cfg.yrange[0])) / (cfg.vw, cfg.vh)).astype(np.int32)
    box2_corner = ((cfg.W, cfg.H)-(box2_corner - (cfg.xrange[0], cfg.yrange[0])) / (cfg.vw, cfg.vh)).astype(np.int32)

    buf1 = np.zeros((cfg.H, cfg.W, 3))
    buf2 = np.zeros((cfg.H, cfg.W, 3))
    buf1 = cv2.fillConvexPoly(buf1, box1_corner, color=(1,1,1))[..., 0]
    buf2 = cv2.fillConvexPoly(buf2, box2_corner, color=(1,1,1))[..., 0]

    indiv = np.sum(np.absolute(buf1-buf2))
    share = np.sum((buf1 + buf2) == 2)
    if indiv == 0:
        return 0.0 # when target is out of bound
    return share / (indiv + share)

def aug_data(lidar, gt_box3d_corner):

    choice = np.random.randint(1, 10)

    if choice >= 7:
        for idx in range(len(gt_box3d_corner)):
            # TODO: precisely gather the point
            is_collision = True
            _count = 0
            while is_collision and _count < 100:
                t_rz = np.random.uniform(-np.pi / 10, np.pi / 10)
                t_x = np.random.normal()
                t_y = np.random.normal()
                t_z = np.random.normal()

                # check collision
                tmp = box_transform(
                    gt_box3d_corner[[idx]], t_x, t_y, t_z, t_rz)
                is_collision = False
                for idy in range(idx):
                    iou = cal_iou2d(tmp[0,:4,:2],gt_box3d_corner[idy,:4,:2])
                    if iou > 0:
                        is_collision = True
                        _count += 1
            if not is_collision:
                box_corner = gt_box3d_corner[idx]
                minx = np.min(box_corner[:, 0])
                miny = np.min(box_corner[:, 1])
                minz = np.min(box_corner[:, 2])
                maxx = np.max(box_corner[:, 0])
                maxy = np.max(box_corner[:, 1])
                maxz = np.max(box_corner[:, 2])
                bound_x = np.logical_and(
                    lidar[:, 0] >= minx, lidar[:, 0] <= maxx)
                bound_y = np.logical_and(
                    lidar[:, 1] >= miny, lidar[:, 1] <= maxy)
                bound_z = np.logical_and(
                    lidar[:, 2] >= minz, lidar[:, 2] <= maxz)
                bound_box = np.logical_and(
                    np.logical_and(bound_x, bound_y), bound_z)
                lidar[bound_box, 0:3] = point_transform(
                    lidar[bound_box, 0:3], t_x, t_y, t_z, rz=t_rz)
                gt_box3d_corner[idx] = box_transform(
                    gt_box3d_corner[[idx]], t_x, t_y, t_z, t_rz)

        gt_box3d = gt_box3d_corner

    elif choice < 7 and choice >= 4:
        # global rotation
        angle = np.random.uniform(-np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4)
        lidar[:, 0:3] = point_transform(lidar[:, 0:3], 0, 0, 0, rz=angle)
        gt_box3d = box_transform(gt_box3d_corner, 0, 0, 0, r=angle)

        # global scaling
        factor = np.random.uniform(0.95, 1.05)
        lidar[:, 0:3] = lidar[:, 0:3] * factor
        gt_box3d = gt_box3d_corner * factor

    return lidar, gt_box3d

4. Experiments

Evaluation on KITTI benchmark dataset


  • VoxelNet outperforms all other methods for Car class
  • VoxelNet is more effective in capturing 3D shape information than HC features

Code Review