Professor / School of Software, Hallym University
Hallym UniversityChuncheon, Gangwon, South Korea
jeonggunlee's Followers
- x123y123🍟
- harshit0209Tata
- EJLee1209Seoul, Republic of Korea
- seoseuoHallymUniv
- CherryPichu세종대학교
- caerangSeoul, KOREA
- nganphtgitCarota
- hero707snowball
- TaeHoonHerDGIST, AI
- Lithium07zHallym University
- owinhunHallym University
- ken7005
- WorldOneTop한림대학교
- LouisatheniosAdioertop app ceo
- se-niHallym university
- Mellow1213Hallym University
- doggangHallym.Univ
- seungwonBSeoul
- jesunglim
- Seungwoo928
- hwchen2017Microsoft
- jyp-onHallym Univ
- mongtonsTJ Media
- Wooks-gitHallym University
- DevNexyHallym University
- LeeGaHyeonHallym University
- Yujin0827Seoul, Korea
- younghoonNaSNU college of medicine
- mgdgc@DeveloperAcademy-POSTECH
- ChoSeongYunHallym Univ.
- ssyyjj1012
- seongjiko© ENSSEL INC.
- hayunjong83Seoul National University
- gkseogusHallym University
- hhj3258South of Korea
- yeongjukwakRepublic of Korea (South Korea)