
TodoMVC inspired React Native Redux App

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A "boilerplate" React Native application with an example "Todo" implementation and with the following features:

  • Full ES6 support
  • redux
  • immutable data persisted to AsyncStorage on state change and rehydrated on app load with redux-persist
  • A custom Navigator component controlled via actions
  • Logging with minilog
  • ESLint

App Screenshot

Currently iOS only!


  • android
    • React Native created Android project for the app
  • ios
    • React Native created XCode project for the iOS app
  • js
    • actionCreators
      • Functions used throughout the app to create and dispatch redux actions
    • components
      • Reusable React components
    • constants
      • The app's constants
    • containers
      • High level components that connect to the redux store and pass props down to components, these typically map to the "Screens" of an app like "Settings" or "Dashboard", and potentially sub-views that have their own complex component hierarchy
    • middleware
      • Middleware receive dispatched actions before reducers, can interrupt the flow or allow it to continue, and can have side effects like logging the action or even dispatching other actions
    • reducers
      • Functions that respond to dispatched actions and return a modified version of the state
    • selectors
      • Functions used by containers and components to request a particular piece of the state tree
    • styles
      • Styling helpers
    • util
      • persistenceTransformer.js
        • this utility handles transformation as the state tree is persisted and rehydrated from local storage using redux-persist
      • Otherwise, just common application utilities
    • App.js
      • Common redux app entry point and setup
      • Initializes redux store, middleware, reducers, and persistence
  • .babelrc
    • the config for babel, enables ES6+ features
  • .eslintrc
    • ESLint configuration
  • .flowconfig
    • React Native default FlowType configuration, no flow type annotations are currently in use
  • .gitignore
    • React Native default .gitignore
  • .tern-project
    • Tern configuration for Atom autocomplete
  • .watchmanconfig
    • React Native default .watchmanconfig
  • index.android.js
    • Entry point for Android app (not currently supported)
  • index.ios.js
    • Entry point for iOS app
  • package.json
    • Project's NPM dependencies, configuration, and scripts
  • README.md
    • This file
  • stateMock.js
    • A mock of the redux app's state tree to assist in visualizing it as a whole