The code in this repository is associated with the manuscript Soil mycobiome dissimilarity, independent of fungal guild, is associated with increased probability of plant coexistence.

Primary LanguageR

CAMS (Competition and Microbial Similarity)

The code in this repository is associated with the manuscript 'Soil mycobiome dissimilarity, independent of fungal guild, is associated with increased probability of plant coexistence'. The 'bioinformatics' subrepository contains all necessary scripts to process our sequence data and generate the ASV tables and functional assignments. The "RScripts" subrepository contains the RScripts necessary to process the data (Data_Compilation.R), fit competition models (Comp_Models.R), run preliminary microbial analyses and estimate mean species dissimilarity matrices (Micro_Analyses.R), and fit models relating competition metrics to fungal dissimilarity (Fun_Comp.R). The CAMS_Funs.R script contains functions used throughout these scripts. Additional scripts include the PP_Check.R which performes posterior predictive checks on Beverton Holt model as well as CAMS_Struc_Script.R and Multispecies.R scripts which calculate the multispecies competition metrics and explores these values respectively. The RDS_files subrepository contains RDS files that are generated and then used by these scripts. The STAN_script subrepository contains Stan scripts for all Bayesian models used in this analysis pipeline.