Problem with panGestureAnimatedValue
bintoll opened this issue · 2 comments
Describe the bug
The problem with panGestureAnimatedValue is that it is not working as expected (as describet) - the animated value changes not just according modal position between 0 and 1 when modal is opened and closed. But it actually changes when there is a Pan gesture (is some circumstances), but in this case the truly animated value that could be described like: "Animated.Value of the modal opening position between 0 and 1." (from the docs) is missing.
I have setup Modalize with flat list props and added panGestureAnimatedValue prop. When modal change state from close to open and backwards it works fine. But if I open the modal and scroll down the flat list and then scroll the the flat list a little bit up the Pan gesture activates and changes panGestureAnimatedValue value, even through the modal is still opened. Looks like the exact same issue was described here #350
- Gif is a little bit laggy because I captured video on expo snack iOS device, but here it is:
- react-native-modalize 2.1.1
- react-native 0.70.6
- react-native-gesture-handler 2.8.0
- expo/react-navigation/react-native-navigation: react-navigation@6.1.1
After some source code investigation, I found out that code in these handle is causing the problem:
Line 630 in c46c71e
I have the same issue. Is there any update here?