
Current browser compatibility?

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Which browsers are supported by shifty? I see that you've used a fallback for requestAnimationFrame, so I would assume that IE9 is safe... If that's the case it would be helpful to have this information included in the readme. Thanks!

Hi @donmccurdy, Shifty should support IE6 and up, as well as all modern browsers. I'll update the README when I get a moment!

Great, thanks!

I haven't tested oldIE compatibility in quite a while, and it seems some tests are failing in my IE8 VM. And, I can't even get my IE6 VM to run since it's been so long since I needed it, hah. I'm assuming (perhaps unwisely, but confidently nonetheless) that IE9 is fine, because there probably would have been a bug reported by now if not.

I don't have an IE9 VM handy to test this with right now, so I will keep this open until I have properly tested it. I do intend to support >IE9, so if you find a bug before I have a chance to test it, please report it here!

Well how about that! There was a bug that affected IE8 and 9. Thank you for filing this issue, because I might not have found that otherwise. A fix has been made and released in 1.5.3. Please upgrade to ensure proper support for those older browsers, and sorry about the hassle!

Awesome, thanks for looking into this! ๐Ÿ™‚