
why utf-8 is not a default encoding?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

okliv commented

if i use render method in routing, i have non ascii abracadabra texts. why?

i think in general utf-8 has to be the most universal option. why do i have somehow set it explicitly? how?

Roda actually does set a default encoding for templates, to Encoding.default_external. If you are only dealing with UTF-8 data, that's probably something you should set to 'UTF-8'. People that don't have a UTF-8 default external encoding shouldn't have a template encoding of UTF-8 forced upon them, in my opinion.

If you are asking how to change the default render encoding: plugin :render, :template_opts=>{:default_encoding=>Encoding.find('UTF-8')}.

As this is a question on design choice and not a bug report, per the contribution guidelines, this should be discussed on the Google Group. GitHub Issues should only be used for bug reports.